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Hi, I’m Ashlee!

Thank you so much for being here and showing interest in expanding your knowledge of self.

Located on Ohlone land (Oakland, Ca.) I am a professional Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki healer, Psychic Medium and Yoga Teacher specializing in guiding highly sensitive individuals back to their inner knowing to heal from the human experience.

I began as a yoga practitioner over 10 years ago as means to manage depression, anxiety (and if I’m being honest) weight loss. What I received was a portal opening to connect with my inner compass by honoring my sensitivity. Since then, I have taken a deep dive not only into my own healing but understanding the collective need to heal from the human experience.

I utilize the power of your cosmic mapping (birth chart) as a means to understand yourself more deeply. We then layer intuitive practices and energy healing to bring you closer to your higher self.

I obtained my 200 RYT certification in 2018 from the Mizizi school of yoga specializing in Vinyasa, restorative and other deep relaxation activating yoga practices.

I am also a Reiki Master (Holy Fire and Karuna) as of 2022 and received my astrology certification officially from the Debra Silverman school of Applied Astrology in 2021.

My practices and offerings uphold the ideals of uprooting and undoing the systems of patriarchal society norms, capitalism, diet culture/fat phobia, racism and gender-based violence and oppression. Honoring and in gratitude always to my teachers: Hana Raftery, Ngugi Kahara, Gaby Milan, Debra Silverman.